Originally Posted September 22, 2018
So the rainbow colored sneakers have returned to our house this weekend.
We already have quite a few kids in our home, and I walk the line daily between “What’s one more child?” and “Which is the straw that will break the camel’s back?”
Actually, I walk that line multiple times daily.
But there was a little girl who needed a sleepover this weekend, and I had a family that needed some one who needed us.
I still teeter between labeling myself under insanity and bravery, to be sure.
So in came the sneakers, the giggles, the squeals and the fun. In came the pink, the purple, the sparkles, and every type of rainbow and unicorn in a sweetly colored suitcase.
Tonight came a shower, and I was called into the bathroom to help the sweet thing hop out, now smelling fresh and clean. As I helped her dry off, she started chattering about all the boys and how they were so crazy. I said, “I know, but remember what we talked about with those crazy boys? God gave us those crazy boys, so He must have a purpose for them in our lives.”
She laughed at me and nodded, so I continued, “and you know that God has a special plan and purpose for your life, too?”
Still wrapped in her towel, she turned around to face me, eyes wide open in wonder, and looked up at me full in the face: “What is it?!” She asked breathlessly.
My heart stopped in my chest. I did not know how to answer. “Well,” I stuttered. “You are going to do many great and amazing things.”
Satisfied, she turned to grab her pink footie pajamas and get dressed.
I was still halted in my thoughts and teary eyed from the fact: this little life has a plan and purpose, and I am just so blessed to be a part.
Even with the rainbow sneakers left out to trip over on the kitchen floor. Now with a side of stuffed animal…

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