Get all the details here. Just in time for the Christmas season, we have flung open the doors to our dream of a local retail store and hollered “Come on in!” to whomsoever will hear. Our sweet little store will…
I Am Printable Pages
Inspired by our very first “Who You Say I Am” online Bible study, these printable declaration pages will help you summarize the words you need to speak over your lives daily.
What does “Consider the Fields” mean?
Where did that name come from? When we were adopting two of our kids from foster care, we realized that was going to put me at home with six kids between the ages of six and sixteen. Between appointments…
Our Easter Miracle with Everly
Originally posted Easter 2019 I woke up this morning with such mixed emotions. Easter is such a glorious day, and before I even opened my eyes, I remembered the victory and celebration of the day.
The Women Who Went To The Tomb
Originally written and posted Easter 2016. Easter morning would be an appropriate time to read the story of the resurrection, I think. So this morning, I did, in all four gospels. I smiled at the familiarity of some of it,…