Parents, grandparents, and any one who has children visiting their home for the holidays: Be Careful!!!!!
We Are Adopting!
An Original Post from January 2017 Bringing back the blog archives here to share my original post on our adoption journey. Here it is, in it’s unabridged glory, only photos added today:
Adoption Worker Day
The Promise We All Signed That Day Hold this moment in time, because today was the day that IT happened.
How I Recovered an Old Rocker in One Night
The Cheater-Pants Way To DIY That’s Fun, Easy and Cheap! Our church nursery hadn’t been painted in years, and though it was bright and fun and happy, it was also in need of a refresh and a softer color for…
A Different Way Home…
How Taking A Different Path Home Changed My Heart and Mind Sometimes you have to go a different way to get home.