Ways to Support Someone in the Online Space

In the ever-changing world of the internet, with technology literally changing at the speed of life, it can be difficult to know how your presence in the online space can possibly help someone else succeed.
It is true, though: your very clicking through the world wide web, the websites you choose, the places you stop to read and shop and learn… they all carry power that weighs in any direction you choose.

There are a few super simple ways that you can help someone who is trying to start out in the online world. Here are just a few that I know I am learning:
- Follow them on any social media platforms they have.
This is such a simple way to help because, to put it simply, numbers matter. The number of likes on their Page helps them gain access to greater platforms they may be trying to reach, So if you’re on Instagram, Follow them there. Facebook? Like their Page. YouTube and Pinterest? Subscribe and Follow there, too. There is no limit to the ways that fans affect bloggers on social media.

2. If you follow them, RESPOND to their content!!!
When you see they are posting something that touches you or speaks to your heart, let the world know!! A “Like” on a post is nice, it’s like a nod in someone’s direction, acknowledging they exist. Picking a different emoji, like a heart or laugh or wow, is a more noticeable response to your blogger friend, similar to saying “hello” with a smile. If you REALLY want to support them, COMMENT on their post with MORE THAN FIVE WORDS, showing the algorithms that you are on board with whatever they are posting. If you want to be BFFs for life… SHARE every post that resonates with you.
When you respond to the content of a post, you are showing the world what you are in to. Facebook will show your Shared Post and sometimes your comments to all of YOUR friends, friends that your blogger may not have, but may need to get connected with. Each time others see your blogger is another chance for the numbers to grow. It is a huge and easy way to help them out.
3. Sign up for their email list.
Okay, only do this one if you are really loving the content they have and want to be a part of their fan base. If you don’t open the emails and use the clickthroughs in there, don’t bother signing up: their numbers will actually look WORSE if you don’t open them rather than just not signing up at all.
Responding to the emails, even with a simple “XOXO” is a great way to let their email company know that the writer is doing a good job and not sending spam.
4. Spend time on their website.
If you like following your blogger, chances are you are probably already spending time on their website. Each time you click a link from Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or YouTube, that link takes you to their site.
The more people that spend time on that site, the better the numbers look. Those numbers are SO important to companies that are looking at that blogger for up and coming promotions, opportunities and offers.
Are you reading their blog and have a few extra minutes? Click around and read another that catches your attention. It means so much more than you can imagine!

Bonus Tip: Click on any of their links on their pages!
Do you need something from Amazon? Click the link that your blogger posted on her site, and she will get the credit for your purchase, a small percentage given to her at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU!
Do you need to replenish your paper check supply? Use her ChecksUnlimited link so a portion of the sale goes to her.

How about stocking up on craft supplies? Click the Cricut link she has listed to give her the percentage of the sales.

Do any neices or nephews or grandbabies have a birthday coming up? Click through Melissa & Doug to earn her a little commission off of that purchase.
Do you have a business or help at your church where you can order bulk quantities of Dollar Tree items, where you can get them shipped for $4.95 or even FREE most of the time?

You NEVER have to pay extra for these sales, yet the numbers and percentages can really add up and mean so much to your blogger.
I know how I felt when I saw the first commission hit my affiliate account. Weeks before, as I spent so much time and effort on setting it out and learning it, I was feeling so small and so stupid, thinking it was a waste of time and how could I ever make this work? I knew I needed to stay home with my kids for the next ten years, and I WANT to stay home with them… having the freedom to do that can be such a different thing.
Seeing that $11.96 sale in my affiliate account made my heart soar and make me feel ALIVE.
It worked.
It happened.
I was doing it.
There is still so very, very far to go, but I am just so proud of myself for doing the thing, and after that, watching it work for real.
So the next time you see a blog that you got something out of, go ahead and try a few of the tips I listed here, and know how grateful she will be, and how life changing you can be… even with just one click.

Disclaimer: any of the clickthroughs you find on my pages are links to products that I have used and love and trust. I may make a small commission on anything you purchase on the other side of the link, so please know it will go to fund my crazy projects, wild ideas and writing habits. It will not cost anything extra for you. Thank you for your love and support!

Thank you for this. I’m not sure if I’m signed up for all you have listed. I thought I was signed up for your emails. I don’t check my emails very often but I will. Are all Considerthefields.com ?
Thank you for asking, Gloria! You are such an encouragement to me! Every media I have is Tara Wall and/or Consider the Fields. There are links on my pages you can just click through, and if you DO want to be on the email list, that is on my Home Page at http://www.considerthefields.com
Thank you again for your kindness and encouragement!
Thank you for teaching us! Continue to follow your dream❤️