My favorite way to keep chaos at a minimum on such a wonderful holiday.
A Breakthrough While Playing Blocks
How I Saw A Glimmer Of Hope On A Tough Day Little Sis has been with us nearly seven months now, and boy have we learned and laughed in that time.
Little Sis Turns Eight
My Thoughts How We Celebrated Our First Official Birthday With Our Girl Tomorrow morning, the little girl that sleeps in my house will turn eight years old. When I took her brother and my other kids and showed up at…
A Family Vacation With Six Kids
What the Ocean Can Do For Your Soul It’s been a year since I shared a post like this, and I could have never dreamed this next year would have brought this..At this time last year, we had only had…
Little Sis Goes To School
Her First Day With Us, Her Fourth School in Two Years There she goes, sweet sissy on her first day of school, (sort of) escorted by her brothers, one by blood, and one by the King who designed this crazy…